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Don’t Stop Believing, Keep Going.
Submitted by: ss
IndiaBeliever and receiver.
I have been in love with the love of my life for over a decade. It has been beautiful and everything that something can possibly be. I am so grateful for it. As life may have it, things did get a little difficult in between, due to external circumstances. I do not want to dwell on what happened and what didn’t, but The Secret and The Magic really helped me at many, many different points.
It really started it’s work when I started feeling like I had already received. Within a few weeks, the feelings of me receiving became real. It’s still unbelievable for me, but it happened and I will continue to make things happen in this way.
More than me sharing my story, I would like everyone to know that this is something anyone can use at any time of despair or hopelessness and things will turn around. It doesn’t matter how big the problem is or what it is or how it is going to get resolved. Just start thinking of how you would like your life to be and keep sending out, and very importantly, feeling those thoughts. Trust me, trust the Universe and trust Rhonda and her team, everything will manifest.
It is simply wonderful. Thank you Rhonda and everyone promoting The Secret and The Magic and all the other books. Remember, if you do not know what to do, just get back to gratitude and love, over and over and over again.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!