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Effortlessly Attracted My Dream Job.
Submitted by: True believer of secret
Chennai,IndiaClassic lady with much optimism.
Thank you to Rhonda Byrne and The Secret team for discovering this magic and giving it to the world. All blessings to you! You guys are amazing! And special thanks to you all who are inspiring me with your stories.
I’m very happy to tell you all that I have manifested my dream job! About one and half months ago, I got a call randomly from an MNC company. They said that there was a vacancy and asked me if I would join. The offer was very much in alignment with my requirements but still, I was a bit confused. Later, my boyfriend and my soul sister said they were keen on me taking this opportunity, as it would help me grow. Finally I decided to take up the offer and I replied back to them.
After 4 days they called me for an interview. It all went quite well and they told me I would get the offer letter in a week as the process would take time. I was happily waiting, but it took a month. During that waiting time I contacted them used to query about the letter and they said I would definitely be getting it and I could go ahead and quit my current job. Though my parents did not think that was a very good idea to quit before I actually got the job, I boldly took that decision. Trusting the Universe, I quit my current job.
A week passed, and today I got my offer letter with the exact amount I had dreamt of!! This is a miracle, I am so excited and happy that I can not express it in words. Thanks a lot Universe!
I definitely had my lows but I never stopped believing. My hope increased every day and today I got it. Also I created a WhatsApp group with the “Company name” where I would text about official stuff and also there is group called “Universe” where I would keep posting my thankfulness every day. I would also send myself emails like I got the offer letter already. All this helped me so much and built up my hope and belief. My family and my boyfriend all are very happy about my new job. They are so proud of me.
Thank you so much Universe!! Lots of love!