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Careful What You Wish For!!!
Submitted by: Charlotte
Wales UKI have read and watched The Secret many many times, and am learning how to recognize the signs I am asking for.
A year ago I was working in a stressful job, a lot of pressure was put on me, and as a result I asked the universe for help.
Looking back now, I see I ignored the signs the first two times help came, and continued with my job. Things got harder and harder. I had to take on more responsibility and things got worse. So I asked the universe for a sign again. Something along the lines of “should I continue with this job?”.
The next day I had a car accident! So I didn’t go to work! It was a small car accident, it was enough to shock, but it’s effects have been long lasting and I have been diagnosed with CFS/ME. As a result I was not able to continue with that particular job, and I left.
This week I was feeling really helpless and unwell. So my partner suggested we ask the universe for help again. I asked out “please make me well, I don’t want to be like this any more!” I trusted and looked out for the signs.
I rode my horse the same afternoon, and as we were cantering along the path my horse fell, I fell too and my horse landed on me. Just so that you know he is a BIG horse and heavy!!!. What happened next?
Well I lay on the ground, in shock, my horse ran away but we were both completely fine. My partner caught my horse and came back to me and was amazed. Not even a scratch or a bruise… nothing! It was as if the ground gave way and supported us. The horse and I both walked away quite sore but not marked. How this is even possible is astonishing. My partner has said that if he hadn’t seen it happening he probably wouldn’t have believed me!!!
Today I found the perfect job and I have applied for it. Lets wait and see.
Oh, and just so you know I feel amazing, new and full of energy. I am seeing the world through different eyes. My horse is absolutely fine too.
Thank you universe!