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Submitted by: Jay C.
Byron, MNI viewed The Secret a couple of nights ago for the first time. I woke up the next morning telling myself that this was going to be a great day. No negativity at all. Mornings can be pretty stressful at my house before seeing the video. My wife and I need to get ourselves ready, get a three year old ready and a four month old. The most stressful part of the morning is trying to get our children dressed and out the door in time. Now thinking that this was going to be a stress free day, I went about my morning routine but doing everything with a smile. The outcome was amazing, everybody seemed to be in a great mood. When it came time to get the kids dressed, I walked out to the living room to see that my 3 year old had already started dressing himself. This is amazing in two ways. We never even asked him to do this, and he has never tried to dress himself before. This just put me in a better mood. The entire day ran smooth. Can’t wait to apply this in other areas of my life.