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Submitted by: Alena W
Street, Somerset UKI’m 51 and working in the same job I’ve had for 20 years. I am changing my life for the better.
I discovered The Secret through a ladies’ group of entrepreneurs I belong to. I looked into it, watched The Secret film, and bought the book. My father had a knack for wishing things into existence. Now I know how.
I have been following instructions for about a month. Little random acts of kindness and random free things have come my way since then.
Then the day before yesterday, I left a more specific gratitude.
When I went to bed that day, I checked my emails. I had a prize notification from a savings plan I use. I had won some money. Yay! My gratitude for the day had been a thank you for winning money.
So thank you so much to the ladies for introducing me to The Secret. Thank you so much to Rhonda Byrne for publishing The Secret. Thank you to the Universe for providing for us.
Thank you!