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What I want I GET !
Submitted by: Minanda
FranceI am the author of the book IN THE NAME OF LOVE, and a living example of how the Secret works, and how our thoughts create our reality. It is just FASCINATING... it REALLY WORKS!!!
There are so many of what I call “miracles” that happened in my life, but I will share just a few of them.
I wrote a book on my spiritual experiences that I had with Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe, but didn’t have the money to print it and didn’t know where to start, but I did believe down deep in my heart and soul that somehow I will get the help that I needed. Then one day a friend of mine that I lost touch with called me up and asked me what I was doing, I told him about the book, he spontaneously offered his help and money !!!! The book was printed and is now on sale.
Another story; I was supposed to go on vacation, the booking was done, I had sent some money to the hotel but something happened with my paychecks and I suddenly was out of money !!! I was due to leave in one week. Where could I find the money I needed until my next paychek? I suddenly was inspired to look in my jewelry box. As I was going through it (most of my jewels are fake), I suddenly saw an earing that my mother had given me years ago – the second one was missing. I had NEVER paid attention to that earing before, but that day for some reason I took it to a jewel shop and asked if it was worth anything. The man said it is a diamond and it has a certain value. I couldn’t believe it, I had thought for years that it was a fake diamond. I sold it and got exactly the money I needed at the exact moment when I needed it. I thanked the UNIVERSE and GOD.
When I was looking for my new apartment, I visualized exactly what I wanted. The floor, the street, the windows, the area. And I got what I wanted – incredible !
Before that, I passed by with a car near a pretty country road and thought, “Oh, I’d love to live there, down that road, it is so pretty.” A few weeks later I decided to rent a new house. The owner asked me to go see houses for rentals and guess what… the owner took me down that pretty road I had seen and wished to live, and a pretty house was waiting for me right there and I rented it right on the spot.
One day I went into a library and saw a cook book that I wanted to buy, but on the cover page there was a photo of fish on a plate. Being a vegetarian for compassionate reasons I thought, “Oh what a pity that the cover page is with dead fish on it… if it had been with vegetables I would have bought it.” I really wanted that book, and one week later I went in the same library to buy something when my eyes caught the same book but on the cover page there was now a plate of vegetables!!!! I was in shock, I couldn’t believe it! It is as though for some reason the publisher suddenly decided to change the cover page. And, well, now the book is in my kitchen. THANK YOU THANK YOU!
My son wanted a video camera but didn’t have the money to buy one, then sometime later his teacher told the class that there would be some kind of contest where youngsters could win many things. My son did the contest and you know what he won – a brand new video camera.
He also wanted a big new flat TV, but they are so expensive. He even measured the space it would take in his cupboard and then started to visualize he already had the TV. A few days later one of our neighbours gave him two invitations for some kind of a fair, he went with his girlfriend and there was a contest from the local newspaper. My son went into the game, there were eight people playing… and well, you probably guess what happened don’t you? Yes, that is right, he WON that big flat TV he wanted!!!!
I wanted a car but didn’t have the money to buy one… and a friend of mine gave me a beautiful car!!! The exact color that I wanted!!!!
I never dared ask much because I thought asking much is not being humble, but that’s so WRONG. Asking a lot from the Universe is not stealing from anyone, there is enough in the Universe for all of us. Since I read the book The Secret I will ask more without feeling guilty, and I will be now more precise in what I want, visualizing all the details etc. I had many times the proof that IT REALLY WORKS. I hope more and more people use this creative energy to improve their lives and be happier. THANK YOU SO MUCH.