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I Wanted Him Back And I Got Him Back.
Submitted by: Thehappygirl
Queensland AustraliaI'm a young girl who could never keep happy and positive for longer than a month or two. I have now learnt it was all due to my negativity and the thoughts I was processing in my mind. This is just one story of how LOA has worked for me.
I will try to keep this as short as I can. I have always believed in The Secret and have read it since I was about 15. It works great so long as you stick to it!
I loved this man from the day I met him and I truly believe he is my soul mate. We had an on again, off again friendship which eventually turned into a relationship in March this year. Immediately after we got together, so many doubts consumed me. I was waiting for him to leave me, I was waiting for him to cheat on me, I was waiting for him to start an argument with me about anything negative you could imagine and I was visualising those things.
Sure enough, we split up in July due to the constant fighting which I believe I was initiating because of the horrible way I was thinking. I was heart broken and so was he. We turned to hate and anger. We both did some horrible and hurtful things to each other and there was no way that we could forgive each other for the things we said and did.
After a few weeks I was sick of being miserable and I pulled out my trusty copy of The Magic book and started writing every night in my gratitude book and visualising us back together. I wrote down and asked the Universe exactly this, “I want him back in my life by the 30th of September 2018”. On the 2nd of October I received a call from him saying that he wanted to talk and clear the air. He said that he wanted to be friends but said we could never be partners again.
I was disappointed and crushed that he did not want us to talk about our relationship and that there would never be a chance for us again. But then it clicked a few days later! I had asked for him to be back in my life and he was!! Lesson one, be specific!!! I then rephrased my question to the Universe and asked for him to be my boyfriend by the 6th of November. The 6th of November came and he called me and asked me to meet up with him on the 7th to talk. And yep, sure enough, he wanted to give us another shot.
Trust me!! Ask, believe and receive. Letting go was the hardest possible thing for me but now I know 100% that it works. Let go, be happy, be grateful, appreciate what you have and you will get more 100 times over. Thank you thank you thank you!!!