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Wallet Recovered!
Submitted by: Yasmin R.
Panama City, PanamaDreamer, pursuer of the truth.
I want to share a story in which I applied The Power teachings to recover my lost wallet. In the end of 2015 I bought The Power. I had already read The Secret a decade ago, and now I was in the search for a boost of inspiration and felt that the Power would give me what I needed. Thankfully, I bought The Power because after reading it, it became my personal tool that I would use to overcome a sequence of events that I have experienced in the later months. But for now I will share the story of the lost wallet.
One day I was at work and had to leave at noon to run errands at the bank. I went off to the bank thinking positively about the results of my visit to the bank, which in effect was successful. As I was returning to my work I thought about stopping at the gas station before I ran out of gas. I put my wallet under my arm, paid, and pumped gas, when a thought came through my mind saying that you may forget that your wallet is under your arm. I didn’t give it much importance, but in effect, after I pumped gas, I forgot I had my wallet under my arm, hopped into the car and left to my work.
It wasn’t until 2 hours later that I realized that my wallet was missing. Immediately, I went to the gas station and asked if someone had seen my wallet. The lady at the counter was able to tell me that a taxi driver picked it up and notified her. The taxi driver stayed in the place for about an hour hoping that I would show up to recover it, and then left. Something told me that my wallet was in good hands, and I decided to follow that thought and believe that my wallet would be returned. I spent all afternoon hoping to get a phone call to tell me that my wallet was safe, but nothing happened. I won’t deny that I was getting more and more worried, but I continued to imagine that my wallet was safe, in good hands, and that it will be returned to me. I imagined giving the person all the money contained in my wallet.
At around 5:00 p.m. I decided I should call the bank to cancel my credit card to be safe, and begin requesting a duplicate of my IDs which takes time and money. But then I received a call from the bank indicating that someone had called to report that he had my wallet and that I should call that person’s phone number to coordinate the return. I was relieved and glad to hear that the gentleman had my wallet and was willing to drive to a place close to my area to return it. But it wouldn’t be until the next morning because he was on the other side of the city. So I waited patiently until the next morning and I continued to imagine and feel my wallet on my hands. We met in the nearby supermarket and I gave him all the money I had in my wallet as a token of my gratitude.
I truly appreciate him keeping the wallet with him because it was in good hands, because otherwise, I would have had to pay for new IDs, new credit cards, and other diligences that take time and money. I gave thanks for this situation because even though I attracted it, I was able to overcome it successfully. I was thankful for the person who found my wallet, for the people who helped me through the process, and for the tools that I was given through The Power and The Secret to receive magnificent results no matter the situation.