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Using The Secret to get my #1 wish now…
Submitted by: KATE
south africaI am presently a receptionist with a financial organisation, am also a model who is contracted to a modeling agency. I own a company which is currently growing & dealing in human hair.
Hi, my name is Kate, and I am 25yrs old. I have been listening to the audio CD of “The Secret” for a few days now, and it’s the best thing that has happened to me in recent times. I used to be a bit of a negative person, but now my major discipline is thinking positive & focusing on the things I want & letting go of the memories of the things I don’t want. It hasn’t been easy BUT am fighting through & I keep improving daily.
I came on here to write “a yet-to-complete story”
I am currently driving a fiat and it has been giving me problems, so for about 5 months now I have been wishing for a new car. I have always preferred a RAV4 3door, grey or black color. I would have seen myself as a greedy person for wishing and wanting to have this car BEFORE I LISTENED to The Secret but I now know that I deserve it. Everyone on Earth deserves all they wish for if only we can believe. I gave myself 2 weeks to get it, which is to end this week. I have sent messages to car dealers to call me for a test-drive. I don’t want to worry about how it will happen, but am totally convinced that am getting the RAV4 3door this week!