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The Universe Gives You Everything You Want.
Submitted by: Light of hope
IndiaA person full of dreams and all my dreams are coming true thanks to the law of attraction!
Thank you Universe for everything you have given me till date and will keep giving me in the future. I am so grateful and full of gratitude to have known this great law of attraction. I have been applying The Secret in my life without knowing it until I started working.
I was going through a rough phase and a friend introduced me to The Secret. Things changed after that and my life completely turned around. I had just finished my college and had started working for a multinational company. I wanted to be recognized at work and applied The Secret and became one of the top performers at work! I visualized a perfect life partner and a life in a beautiful country. I met my husband who was exactly the person I had imagined! We moved to the US just 6 months after our marriage and have been living a happy life with some amazing friends. I imagined studying further and working in an American company. I now have 2 masters degrees and a great job with wonderful colleagues. I imagined a baby and today I am mom to this wonderful 2 year old beautiful girl. We bought our dream house last month and have been able to get everything we ever asked the Universe for. I have had my shares of ups and downs but the end result has always been what I have imagined and wished for!
The law of attraction is quite powerful and really works. Whenever I need motivation, I come here read these wonderful experiences that strengthens my faith in the law of attraction again and again. Don’t be disheartened and do be patient. If you have faith, your wish will be granted. There is no timeline and it will come to you. Thank you Rhonda for reaching out to so many people with this secret of happiness! Bless you.