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Tip The Balance To 51%
Submitted by: Anthony W
Ireland26 year old from Ireland.
First, I’d like to extend my thanks to Rhonda for all her great work on The Secret and the following books. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
It turns out, just like many others, I’ve been using The Secret on and off my whole life, bringing myself into tough times and out of them again, like a continuous cycle.
I started reading The Secret about 2 weeks ago and I’ve watched the film several times since. I did believe it and it outlined a lot of past mistakes. But like all beginners I didn’t know how to go about using it. I couldn’t understand about the whole “feeling it thing”. Like most men, feelings are a bit confusing sometimes for me. I had been able to manage manifesting small things like a certain type of dinner, a particular van and parking spaces, but I was still a bit skeptical.
It wasn’t until after reading The Power and doing my Magic Practices that I realized about “tipping the balance to 51%”. I thought that if I could remain positive, grateful and happy for the majority of my day, then by the LOA, more positive vibes would be attracted to me, and then also my wishes and desires.
I had been trying to put The Secret to the test by manifesting a soldier in uniform with no results. So after a couple of days practicing my positive attitude, I really did believe I had tipped the balance, so I imagined my soldier, believed it, held it for a few moments and released it.
Then early the next morning, BOOM!
Two soldiers walking in the most unusual place. I immediately thanked the universe and went about my day. Later that day I was thinking about an item I had put up for sale on the internet a month previously, that nobody contacted me about. Then again I put The Secret to the test, I imagined a buyer calling, held it for a few moments and released it.
Just two hours later while I was doing a gratitude list, BOOM!
A phone call from a potential buyer.
Gratitude is THE multiplier!
For anyone who is reading this and still unsure how to use The Secret, tip your balance to 51% positive and add plenty of gratitude and the Law of Attraction will do the rest. As for anyone having trouble with the receiving part, I use the same excitement receiving my wish, as I did when I was a small boy receiving an ice-cream or Christmas present.
A big thank you to everyone who put their stories up here, very inspirational.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!