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Three Days Of Magic.
Submitted by: E. O
NigeriaThat tall, dark, skinny girl from Africa.
I’m back again with a new story and I would like to thank God, the Universe, and The Secret team for introducing me to The Secret. So, as the story title says, I had three days filled with nothing but magic and I am so grateful for that.
The first day was on a Tuesday. I had an exam the next day and I wanted to read at night but all of a sudden, my back started to ache me to the point where I could not move. I was in severe pain and I was wondering what to do. Then I remembered a story I saw on The Secret website while I was using The Secret Super App. In the story, a girl had gotten rid of her menstrual cramps by using the law of attraction and The Secret. I went back and read the story again and applied what she used on myself, and after 10 minutes my back stopped hurting me! I was so grateful.
The next day after the exam, we were to vacate until the next day. So when I was done packing, I went to a dumpsite and threw my books away. When I went back to the room, I and my friend were talking and she talked about a file and it hit me that I had thrown my ID card out along with my books! Without that ID, I would not be able to travel. We went back to the dumpsite and we looked for it and thank God, it was there!
On the third day, I and my two other friends left school and someone picked us up. I had already paid the man for the journey. We dropped my first friend off at her destination and the man told me that she did not pay him. I was shocked because he never told me that she was supposed to pay him. He said it was fine but I felt very bad. I was thinking about what to do when the solution appeared before me. My dad sent me money and I immediately transferred it to him and I am so grateful because he was so happy about it.
I am very grateful to God that those three days were so great. Each day I experience a miracle and then another miracle. I am very grateful. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you so much.