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This Or Something Better
Submitted by: Jamie
San Diego, CAA 23 year old lady feels grateful that my life will always be positive now that I attracted the Secret! Although I'm still focusing on the big manifests, the little ones I have done keep my faith strong.
So I attracted The Secret about two months ago. Since then I have made a vision board and have been tested to stay positive. I must say that although my bigger dreams have yet to manifest, the little ones have motivated me to stay faithful.
I remember on the DVD a man saying he was always lucky’ at finding great parking spaces. It’s funny, because sometimes I would feel like, Oh a spot is gonna be open’ right before I entered a lot, and guess what, BAM, it would be (this is before I opened The Secret).
This past Saturday I was going to the mall with a friend. It was VERY busy. Parking looked impossible and frustrating. So as I’m going around for a third time the entire time focusing on positive parking, enjoying the weather, not the stress of finding it – and I’m feeling good, so I generously wave to let people cross the street in front of me as I turn down the isle. GUESS WHAT?! It was a friend and her boyfriend that I hadn’t seen in weeks! We caught up and we were joking a little (me in my car, them walking). We made plans to see each other again soon THEN THEY PULLED OUT RIGHT IN FRONT, leaving me their great spot!
I have always said after focusing on my goals, this or something better is now speeding its way into my life’. Not only did I find a parking spot that seemed virtually impossible, BUT ALSO I connected with a friend I hadn’t seen!!
I was elated and couldn’t wait to write down how grateful I am that I am consistently given affirmations to stick with The Secret, even though my big results have needed time to manifest!
The Secret has changed my life forever, and I’m so grateful for it. The quality of my life has leaped into FEELING successful and happy on the inside. Thank you all for sharing your stories as well, they are always a boost in morale for me.
God Bless, and happy manifesting!
Can’t wait to let you all know when my manifests get bigger!