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There is nothing known as disease!
Submitted by: jueeli
indiaRight now I'm 15 yrs old and I study in Bangalore, India.
Two years back, I was told that I had a chronic disease called skin eczima and it had gone worst since I hadn’t taken proper care of it.
I started homeopathic medicines and soon everyone around me who’d seen my disease started asking me about it and started feeling sorry for me, which is something that I don’t like.
I noticed that people started talking about me behind my back and being a teenager, I felt quite bad.
Then one day, my dad just got the book The Secret for me, and soon after I had finished reading the book I saw the movie and I realized that I can do whatever I want with the Secret, provided that I really work towards it. Also I got to know that there are soo many more people with more complicated problems than mine, but looking at them inspired me, and from that day on I decided to become much stronger and happier in my life.
Soon I started bothering more about my inner self rather than my looks and as a result, I came to know that people actually love the way I am. Soon every day I would thank God, and I actually realized how important it is to love yourself and thank everyone who does any kind of good deed to you.
I love my parents and friend for giving me unwavering hope and support and love .
Thank you! 🙂