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Production Started Late For Me
Submitted by: Katie B
Essex, EnglandI am a 31 year old Secretary that has just had her life transformed by The Secret. Thank you, Thank you Thank you. x x x
My husband booked me a surprise weekend away in London for Valentines day. He also booked some tickets to go and see a show that I had always wanted to see.
On the way to the theatre that evening we got lost and ended up at the wrong theatre, we then started arguing over whose fault it was, and the evening was going from bad to worse.
My husband asked a kind gentleman where the correct theatre was. He told us it was 20 minutes away. It was now 7.30, and the show started at 7.30, so my husband thanked the gent and then yelled at me, ‘We may as well just go back to the hotel now, we have missed the start. There is no point going.’
I had only just started using the Secret, so thought, right, I’m going to use it. So I decided not to yell at my hubby, but give him a kiss instead and then said, we won’t miss it. Let’s go now, we will get there in time. I knew that we were going to catch the beginning. My husband thought I was mad, but agreed to go.
It took us 20 minutes to get there, the time was now 7.50. As we ran to the doors of the theatre, there was an usher shouting to us, ‘Hurry hurry, there is a technical fault, the show’s not started, quickly get to your seats and you will catch the beginning.’
My husband looked at me, laughed, gave me a huge kiss, and we ran to our seats. Just as we sat down, a gent come on to the stage, apologised for the delay, walked off, lights went down, curtains went up, and the show started.
The production waited, just for me!!!
I sat through the whole show with a grin from ear to ear, knowing that my life now will be positively brilliant thanks to The Secret.
Since then the Secret amazes me every day, and ‘I know’ that it will continue to do so forever.
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for bringing the Secret into my life.
x x x x x x x x