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The Versace Test
Submitted by: Tara S
AustraliaSince I was about 11 I have been accidentally practicing The Secret but didn't understand it totally and fully until Rhonda Byrne released The Secret. I am a mother of 3 and am so blessed to live in Australia. I love God and Jesus and appreciate very much all the incredibly good people, animals, birds, especially trees and flowers and all the magnificent beauty on this planet in and out of the ocean and the unseen incredibleness beyond our planet.
I have received many things by utilising The Secret – amazing things like jobs, money, four-leafed clovers, flowers, animals front row tickets at dream events, people etc, etc. But I am absolutely dazzled with what happened to me this week. I am very, very grateful that I have received my Versace Cabinet.
My powers have been tested well and truly now, as I have wanted for some time a piece of Versace and have visualised this. To my knowing delight in March I was notified that the rooms at the Versace Hotel were being refurbished and certain furniture was available to purchase. There was one style of cabinet in particular that I was drawn to and I desired it with an intensity I have not before experienced (I am not the most material person on the planet and do not normally get “crazy” about furniture!)
This T.V. cabinet was beautiful and the handlesknobs were angel faces and the top of it was like an ornate temple. It was perfect for my room. I got the money together to buy it and when I got there I was told I had just missed out and was too late and someone else just snapped up the last cabinet. I was rather disappointed and made it a point not to become attached to the close encounter but I never gave up seeing this style of cabinet in my room. It would just keep popping up in my mind and I could clearly see it there. My normal mind didn’t actually see how I could get it but in my higher state it just was there.
I had just been recently entertaining the idea of going online to see if I could track down something similar, then at the end of November………..
………I received a phone call and the man was telling me one last cabinet was suddenly available and he had a lot of people that wanted it but for some strange reason he just couldn’t get me out of his mind and he felt that he was compelled to call me and offer me the cabinet.
I was jumping up and down and celebrating while he was telling me and I picked it up a few days later.
When I brought it home, my son and flatmates could see why I was going so crazy. I am very, very grateful to the Universe for my Versace Cabinet and everything I have ever received and everything I am receiving NOW!
Even when the situation may appear a little out of reach to us it is just a fraction of a fingertip away for the Universe, if we keep believing. Maybe this was also a gift for me in the lesson of appreciation.