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The Unstoppable Sign
Submitted by: Annonymous
IsraelI'm an 18 year old dreamer:)
Ever since I read “The Secret” I kept reading more and more about it and kept living The Secret and attracting stuff into my life. One simple and yet cool thing I’d like to share is this:
New neighbors moved in to an apartment which is very close to mine in my building. Ever since they moved there they would repair everyday, which is very understandable but it came along with loud, unbearable noises, especially when I needed to study, to take a nap or to just relax.
I would always get so angry at this, start saying negative things about this situation and the more I got mad, the more they kept going and getting louder and louder.
One day, I came back home from my grandparents’ house and about 5 minutes after I got inside our loud neighbors started working again and bothering me, as always. I got angry for a few minutes, talked badly because of the loud noises that drove me crazy, as usual, but this time I had a sudden realization!
I remembered how I read that sometimes the universe sends us signs to remind us to be grateful for certain things. As soon as I remembered that, I started counting some things that I’m grateful for, starting with my sense of hearing! The second I said “thank you thank you thank you for my great sense of hearing”, the noises stopped and didn’t come back. Now I know that these annoying loud noises that were driving me crazy were actually signs that wanted to help me and to remind me to practice some gratitude .
The law of attraction is amazing and life is wonderful .
People usually find what they’re looking for so why not look for the positives out there? I’m sure we can all find them 🙂
Thank you Rhonda and The Secret team! You helped me a lot!