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The Secrets came looking for me
Submitted by: Rose K
UgandaHuman Rights Defender and Educator, Independent Consultant and Graduate student. I am a new person, on a new path.
During a period of uncertainty and desperation, not working and looking for my next consultancy contract, I met a new friend at a firm which hired us to do trainings for high level personnel. We were ripped off, but somehow we kept together and left the place to do other things. At this time, my friend’s friend introduced us to ‘The Secret’ DVD. This was early September 2007. At the time of watching it, I didn’t grasp everything, but I always remembered the Genie and the words “Your wish is my command”. I also remembered the three steps, “Ask, Believe, Receive”, and the young boy with the bicycle story.
I started using these once in a while and got results! I was given 4 new contracts with higher pay; I was accepted for a training in Canada that I so much wanted to attend and had visualised, but had to get funding. Since my organisation couldn’t afford it, I started believing for the funding and got it miraculously without even applying for it!
The Secret never left my mind. I had actually subscribed earlier for the Secret Scrolls. During all this time, I really wanted to read The Secret and watch the DVD, so while in Canada I bought a copy of the book but still didn’t get to read it because of the tight schedule I had. Upon my arrival back home – after 2 weeks of the purchase – I started reading The Secret. The next week I went to a Video store and saw The Secret DVD! I had been to this store many times and had never seen it or even imagined they would be interested in having something that’s not entertainment material!
The Secret found me in September 2007. I owned the book and the DVD within 3 weeks of each other. I attracted The Secret in my life.
Now I use both Secrets daily to keep me on the right track.