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The Secret just keeps on giving!
Submitted by: Eliza Maree
Maastricht, NetherlandsSuper happy thirty four year old, born and raised in Australia, lived most of my adult life in London, proud mother of one stunning daughter - believer in the power of positivity.
Hi Rhonda,
I am writing to you from my house in Maastricht where I am living my dream. My life has changed so dramatically in the last few years and it is all due to the application of The Secret in my life.
In 2008 I was living in London in an unhappy marriage, in an uncomfortable amount of debt, overweight and incredibly weary of the path my life was taking. I had watched your appearance on Oprah a few years before and the idea of The Secret was in the back of my mind, however, I had not utilised it to it’s full extent.
In 2009 things worsened. My now ex-husband was made redundant, our relationship was difficult, and due to the global financial crisis I decided to move him and my two and a half year old daughter to Sydney (where I am originally from) to live with my family while I continued working in London to pay off the debt. I moved to Sydney a few months after, bearing the scars of separation from my daughter.
A month after the relocation, my ex-husband and I separated. The events leading up to the separation placing great strain on my relationships with my family members. I was in a place now foreign to me, on my own, with a demanding little girl, no work, friends were estranged from my time away, my family were all busy with their own lives and I then received some upsetting results from a pap smear. To add to the drama, my dream was to live in the Netherlands (where my mother’s family is from) so my little girl would have the chance to live the culture that I feel I missed out on growing up. I wanted her to become bilingual and open up cognitive and learning pathways that she wouldn’t be exposed to in an Gnglish speaking country. My ex wouldn’t agree to the move and our relationship was in tatters. I was in tears every day.
My brilliant sister-in-law Erika had your book on her shelf, and I asked to borrow it. From the moment I began to read it (and now as I write, it gives me goosebumps!!) my life changed. I began sending my ex all the love I was capable of giving, even though he was not fully contributing to the upbringing of our daughter. I decided to treat him as if he were a model father, and he (slowly) began to change his behaviour.
I was virtually penniless, though I treated every cent as if it was a dollar, and let go all my worries and concerns about money. I am a money magnet and the funds just keep on appearing. I didn’t have any work. I applied for so many jobs and attended interviews, each and every one a dead end. I stopped looking for work and concentrated on giving to others, offering my help for charities, friends and family that needed my help. I focused on my ideas, my plans, my wants. everything that I wanted to explore within myself and the relationships that I had with my friends, family and generally everyone that I came into contact with.
I was able to turn my relationship around with my ex-husband. We now get on very well and are business partners. And to the shock and amazement of everyone around me – he agreed to myself and my daughter relocating to the Netherlands
I wanted to somehow live and work in the one property, with him and my daughter. I found the perfect house that has two residences and space for two businesses, and I will buy it, outright! My ex will maintain the property and the businesses while my daughter and I are away – ensuring him gainful employment for the forseeable future.
I have repaired relationships with my friends; improved relationships with my family; experienced wonderful, loving, emotional relationships with beautiful caring men and most of all, indulged in a brilliant and profound relationship with me.
I followed the health advice on your dvd and have surrounded myself with nothing but positive and energising music, movies, books, and activities and have since had a clear result from my gynaecologist.
One could say that all this prosperity has come out of nothing. I say that I have created this wonderful wealth, happiness, strength and power for myself through a great amount of hard work, reaching into the depths of my soul, facing my fears and being a source of nothing but pure joy and positivity.
Every day I am more grateful to you Rhonda, and your team for spreading the word of The Secret, to the universe for providing me with the life of my dreams, to my daughter for being the catalyst for the change in my life, and of course to myself, for having the inner power to be the best me i can be.
I have more plans, more wants, more joy to be experienced. It is all so very exciting.
In Dutch as we say – hartstikke bedankt (thanks ever so much)
Eliza Maree