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The Rose in the Rock
Submitted by: Dawne-Marie Thompson
Woodstock, ILDawne-Marie Thompson is the CEO of GoldenMark, Ltd. based in the suburbs of Chicago, IL. GML has a dynamic non-cookie cutter methodology that she hopes will inspire a new generation of top performers to reach personal and professional excellence.
Some people are born with instinctual faith. I was lucky enough to be one of them. Open spiritually as well, I was given a book about St. Therese by my Godmother at a young age. I was impressed by her unselfish giving and how it brought her back so much joy in return. I began to use this as my basis; giving and thanking for the joy I felt in return. Long before I understood the concept of the Law of Attraction, I had already been using it since I was a child. From getting a new case for my ballet shoes to a parakeet, I focused and received. Later on I used “The Secret”, which still was actually a secret to me, to reach my goals. In high school I decided on freshman orientation day that I would be a varsity cheerleader. Everyone I was silly enough to mention this to replied with a version of “Forget it! You don’t know anyone at this school and you don’t have any older brothers or sisters on varsity teams”. I became a cheerleader. Then I became captain.
Through my young adulthood I enjoyed and expected to get most everything I wanted. I never wanted too much and was thankful for what I received so the universe was more than obliging. However, I did learn the pit-falls of, “Be careful of what you wish for”. Getting what I wanted landed me in a couple of harried situations, that I at least took great lessons from. Still as long as I expected something and really wanted it, it was mine.
In the last few years life got harder and it seemed like I was getting less and less. I began to question my faith. My ability to manifest had dwindled. Then I realized I was pushing things away with negative energy. I reached back into my soul and brought forth the inner-child who always knew “The Secret”. I had a spiritual link to St. Terese, she has helped me often. I have even asked too much of her at times and made her prove her physical existence.
One day earlier this summer on the beach, needing reassurance I was told to, “look for the rose in the rock.” Roses are her trademark. I looked down a few moments later and found a rock that had what appeared to be a red rose embedded into it. It actually looks like one that is painted on a trinket box I kept on my desk. And in that moment I knew above all, if I kept faith, I would indeed find what I needed to keep on going.