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The Love of my Life!
Submitted by: Rebecca D.
Jacksonville, FlSingle mom, starting a new career in the financial sector. Always believed in the power of positive thinking, and now I SEE the manifestations of it!
I have always been a positive thinker. I grew up in a very positive, religious home, and always knew that what you put out you will surely get back!
After two failed marriages I had finally given up on finding a real love, and was sure it didn’t exist. What I didn’t remember was that 5 years prior I had created a “wish list” of what I perceived to be the perfect man for me. I know that somehow when I had given up on the idea of finding true love, my SUBCONSCIOUS did not!!
And so a little over a year ago I was casually surfing the web when an ad banner popped up on a website I was viewing. It was for a dating site. I have NEVER used a dating site before, but something pulled me in and I gave it a try.
As a joke and not expecting anything to ever come of it, I emailed this nice looking man and he emailed me back. We kept up this email relationship for a few weeks, until he just had to meet me for coffee. Nervously I met him at a little coffee shop and we just talked the night away. Coffee turned into dinner that night, and then a second date, then another….before long I was getting my first kiss!
That was history that day because we both fell head over heels in love and we have never parted since! We have both determined that it was most certainly the Law of Attraction that brought us together because he had asked the Universe to bring him a woman who would love him like he always wanted. I can tell you he’s found her because I spoil him rotten!
Thank You Universe, THANK YOU!!!
Today I am attracting that big diamond engagement ring that I KNOW he will give to me THIS YEAR!!