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Believed Her Way To Becoming A Lawyer
Submitted by: Nelly
Kenya, KNTwenty seven year old, lawyer by profession
Ever since I was a child I always had a passion for helping others, but little did I know about the Secret. One day, I was playing with some friends whom we lived close to. I was about twelve or fourteen at the time.
As we were playing the cute little games that kids play, one of the girls suddenly jumped on her younger sister and hit her. Out of nowhere, I came to the rescue of the younger sister and yelled at the older one to stop hitting her sister as this was unfair. Well, it was the kind of comment received from her at the time that was to determine application of the law of the Secret in my life, albeit without my knowledge. I remember the older sister asking me,”Who do you think you are, a lawyer?” To this I answered, “Yes, I am lawyer.” I did this while yelling so loudly, the universe had to hear me.
After that event, annoyed and with the primary intention of proving the gal right, I went, sat down, cut out a picture of a lawyer and stuck it just above my bed. Miraculously, thirteen years down the road, I somehow became a lawyer. So yes, I really do believe in the Secret.
Having thoughts and putting them down on paper has a way of manifesting your dreams.