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The Flat Tire.
Submitted by: Anita Rabelo
Married 32 years, 2 daughters Emily and Bianca. 2 grand babies Phoenix and Maverick. Been building my Mary Kay business 31 years working an audacious goal to become the first National Sales Director from Beaumont, TX. Hobbies include speaking Spanish, travelling and enriching others lives spiritually, financially, and emotionally.
Well my youngest daughter Bianca, who always has the mom that takes all her friends to their destinations, volunteered me to drive them to FISH camp at A&M College Station, TX. A few days before we made the trip, we had our pink Cadillac’s oil changed. At the dealership they said the tires were not going to be rotated since we needed to get new ones. Well, I told them we would wait to purchase new tires since they are a special tires that run about $225 per tire, and that we were waiting for the arrival of our new pink Cadillac in just a few weeks.
So it was Thursday, and we take off with 3 kids and all their luggage and we were ready to make the 3 1/2 hour road trip. My thoughts were, what if we have a flat on the road? Remember what the technician had said at the dealership?
Then I reversed my thoughts using LOA. I said a prayer and began to think, all the way up there and back, that we will make it back with no tire trouble. We will make it back to our destination.
Well we made it back and just as I drove into my garage at my house and was safely parking my vehicle, the low air tire gauge monitor on the car came on, indicating the back right tire was flat!
So many times the LOA works when we were looking for a parking space in a crowded city. Well, it also worked this time for safety and we made it back safe and sound.