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The business I have always wanted
Submitted by: MaryJane N.
Colorado Springs, COI am a new business owner in a business I have always wanted... I continue to be happy and grateful...
When I was a young girl I watched my father and mother go into their own business. At 19 I asked my father to teach me his business. His reply was that I would have a man to support me and I would not need to be in business.
My whole life I lived by these words, however, these were my father’s words, not mine, therefore I never had a man who supported me. That is my guess, anyway.
Over the years I worked for companies that are high powered and international, and I have learned a lot about business and finance. Still, the jobs I was doing were mundane and lifeless. I got to the point where the front of a Mack truck looked better than my life did, if you know what I mean.
Two years ago, when The Secret was fairly new, my mom told me she wanted me to watch it with her. I was fairly angry most of the time, and sat down to watch with a bad attitude. By the end of the movie I was thinking, “What do I have to lose?” So I gave it a try. I went to The Secret site and also watched “What the Bleep”.
It hit me that I had been living the Secret my whole life. I could see the cause and effect over and over and over. The Secret was, for me, a law of the universe as real and definable as gravity.
So within a few weeks, at age 54, my new year’s resolution of 2007 was to be in business within a year. I still had no clue of what sort of business it would be, and there was no ‘visible’ money for me to rely on. But the Secret promised me that my wish would be fulfilled, so I remained observant and patient.
On February 1, 2008 I opened the doors of my new and beautiful Italian restaurant. I truly lived one day at a time as I began the process that put me in business. From the first day that I walked into the building to the present, it seemed that every step of the way was almost effortless. Not that there was not a lot of work to do, but it came together almost magically.
The funny thing is, I have no clue of how to run a restaurant. I am not a good cook at all. And this is the business I wanted my father to teach me that he would not.
Talented people just keep coming into my life offering assistance. My sister is a decorator. My sons and husband are all good cooks. One friend I have made in the process is a re-modeler with many excellent and talented connections. My previous jobs gave me the expertise with finances that I need.
It has taken months to pull this place together, and each time I would hit a ‘road block’ of some sort I would remember the Secret and imagine that the road was cleared and I was moving ahead. That is how it has worked for me so far.
Now, instead of sitting in a drab office every day, I have to oversee a business that is truly challenging and multi-faceted. I am so happy and never bored. This is the perfect business for me.
The first day of the opening of my restaurant I had just left the bank and was pulling onto the major thoroughfare that my business is located on. A Mack truck drove past and I had to laugh at myself for all the times I had looked at the front of Mack trucks on my way to my jobs each day.
My goal is to have a million dollars to retire on. That includes paying off my house, which is one of the things I used to fund my business. And I want to be able to travel. While I was a single mother raising 3 kids I was extremely poor, money wise. So now I look forward to having money and traveling a bit.
Thank you for giving a name and definition to this wonderful law of attraction. I truly needed a new way to view life.