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Thank God I’m not what I used to be
Submitted by: David B
Bakersfield, CAI am a recovering addict who is now giving back to the community as a substance abuse counselor.
I started using drugs and alcohol when I was 9 years old. My parents owned bars and restaurants, so it was very easy to get the keys and steal some alcohol. My friends always had everything else.
I went down the wrong path for 35 years, until I had a judge decide that it was time I did some jail time. After jail I was put into a treatment center and I was introduced to something called recovery. Now, 5 1/2 years later, I am a counselor at the same facility that I started out at.
I was introduced to The Secret after renting it online. I watched it and realized that I had been using the law of attraction every day since I have been clean. I have started teaching the law of attraction in my groups, and my clients love it. I have seen clients apply the laws and have seen their lives change for the better numerous times. I can’t describe how it feels to see my clients finally get it right.
I am a product of the law of attraction and see it in my life also. I am the person I have always wanted to be thanks to The Secret. It’s all about the attitude of gratitude! Thank you for everything.