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Student Loans No More!
Submitted by: T
Cleveland, OhioActor. Artist. Lover.
I don’t know what else to do but smile. I had known about The Secret for a few years but never really seriously tried to use it in my life, or if I did, it would have been a very half-hearted attempt. I am a working Actor and Theatre Arts Educator and while I loved my job, I was always stressed out about money. Specifically, my student loans. I had acquired almost $35,000 in student loan debt and I had no clue how I was going to even begin paying that off. With a future wedding to save up for, and a future house to buy, I was really stressed out about my financial situation.
I finally made the choice to not let my anxiety over money have power over me. I started looking at houses well over my price range. I made sure every day to thank God for blessing me with a solution to my money problems. I also made sure to not talk about money or how I was worried about it.
What happened in just a few short weeks was truly amazing. I could not believe the blessings that I was given. I got a raise at both my jobs and I was winning prizes and contests left and right. I am no longer worried about money. I am so confidant in my future security and I can’t wait to get married and move into our beautiful turn-of-the-century colonial home. All it takes is a choice.
Thank you so much!