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Step by Step, My Journey Towards Me
Submitted by: Mark W.
St Paul, MinnesotaMy story was always told from a sad almost victim point of view until I realized that it wasn’t that at all. It was a story of great inspiration and unparalleled belief in the greater good and trusting in the simple knowledge that all will be in time.
My name is Mark and I am 39 years old. I was happily married for 7 ½ years and together almost 10. I had it all or so I thought. What we measure success or wealth by is truly relative as it depends on what you consider of value. By most measures in society I would say that we were well off. We owned several investment properties, owned our own very successful real estate company, had a beautiful home and were deeply in love. To add to the mix, we had two Lhasa’s named Bonnie and Clyde which were like the children we never had the quaint essential “perfect couple”.
To say that I was blind to this great tsunami that was heading my way would be a lie. I chose to ignore the warning signs, (countless emails, mid-day get togethers with unknown clients, secret phone calls, etc) and kept believing that everything was fine or so SHE said. Was I ever SO wrong.
Our quality of life became consumed by our business and investments. The time together became more and more like business meetings than special time. In asking when she thought would be a good time to begin our family that I so had wanted forever was always met with obstacle after obstacle.
My life as I knew it was about to come to a screeching halt! My marriage dissolved into what was once the Garden of Eden to a baron wasteland. Our business, investment properties, home and the dogs were all left to her. I had nothing. I had been stripped by all things that one could use to define oneself including my self-worth. I recall looking in the mirror on Jan 16th and had no clue as to the person that the reflection showed.
I had become a shell of the man I once was. Drawn and negative, over weight and tired of being tired, I knew that something had to change. During our time of prosperity, I had turned away from my personal relationship with God. I had focused on trying to fix what I thought was wrong in my marriage and forgot that I myself was a priority. I had turned to food to supplement the obvious lacking emotional connection I so longed for from my wife that I never received. I was a mess.
I knew I needed to change and was truly open to the world of possibilities. At that moment I recall receiving a call from my brother in Minnesota. He said it’s time that you come here. Without hesitation, I decided to make the 1800 mile journey north from the warmth and sunshine of Florida to the polar bound icecap I imagined of Minnesota. Just saying those words bring shivers down my spine. What was I thinking?
I was now focused on a vision to regain my former glory
to get back in shape, to re-establish my career and to most importantly find whom it is I was always meant to be.
Someone referenced me as a dreamer which seemed to spark a deluge of fire. I said that dreamers are people without action; I call myself a “visionary”. It appeared that all outsiders mimicked my vision of success not knowing that I had been informed of the truth.
I had “seen” for the first time in a very long time. I trusted in knowing that all would work itself out. I didn’t need to know the hows just that it was going to happen. I have lost over 100lbs since that January day and still get up at 4am to hit the gym. I have a dream job doing something I never imagined and making more money than ever. My faith in God has never been stronger giving thanks to him for all I’ve been blessed with. My brother and his wife are having a baby boy next May and my relationship with my family has never been stronger.
Some words of wisdom that I have learned along the way “Life begins outside of your comfort zone”, “Life is something you partake in not read about, watch or hear”, “See it, do it, be it, ARE IT”
I never imagined I would have written such a letter in my life but here I am. Thank you isn’t enough for the knowledge you have shared!