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Start with something simple…
Submitted by: Erica
St. Louis, MOI am a newlywed, no kids, two cats.
Like many, I knew about The Secret before the video. However, actually watching the movie allowed me to really realize, once and for all that I, and I alone, have the power to change. So I started with something small. I made my universal requests and number one was that I would have a cherry vanilla dr pepper by the end of the day (written in present tense of course). I saw it, I was so happy that my thirst was quenched, etc. But still a tiny part of my brain was thinking how the heck am I going to get this without getting it myself?
My husband comes through the door from work and I can hear the ice jiggling in a fountain soda from down the hallway. I started laughing. “Why are you laughing?” he asked.
“What’s that?” I responded.
“A cherry vanilla dr pepper.”
All I can say is: it works.