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Something Unexpected Happens!!
Submitted by: Happy person
EuropeI am working to develop myself, my personality, and my thinking!
Hello, I apologize because my English is not very good. I am a pessimistic person and always thought negatively. Two years ago, I started reading the book, The Secret, and my life began to improve. But soon, I stopped reading the book and completely forgot about it.
During this period, I entered into a relationship with someone, and we were initially friends. Then the friendship turned into love, and the first period was wonderful in every way. But after several months, I started going through bad circumstances, and negativity began to increase and take over my life, and everyone around me began to alienate me one by one. Then, after several months, I noticed this person starting to run away from me. I thought he no longer loved me as much as he initially did, and he had no problem with us leaving each other until we had a disagreement. After that, we left each other permanently without prior planning. He could not stand me, and I felt that things had ended at this point. I was hurt because he could not bear the difficult period I was going through, which changed me for the worse, and we continued like this for months. I felt inside that I still wanted him and that I did not want him at the same time. Everyone around me said, “No, this is not appropriate,” and sometimes I felt inside that they were right, and sometimes I felt that I fell short in some aspects, but I knew that even if I fell short, I should not be left without blame.
I spent several months focusing on my future and my studies, and inside me, there was sadness. At the same time, I bought The Secret book and started reading it, trying hard to change my thinking in general and not to return to this person because I was afraid that his return would not be good for me and that I would suffer. But I had decided that he would return within three days before I left my current place. Internally, I slightly ruled out his return because I saw him living his life very normally and he did not need me, until a day that I would not expect or predict.
Suddenly, when I opened WhatsApp, I found a message from him saying, “Isn’t this enough? I can no longer bear your absence.” He apologized to me, and now he is trying to make me return to him again after he chose distance after the last quarrel and disappeared. However, I have not decided yet if I should get back together with him or not.
I hope that my life and his life will improve on all levels, not only for the sake of love but also for the sake of enjoying the life that God has given us. I will continue reading The Secret to change my thinking and my personality for the better, for my sake and not for anyone else’s.