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Signs And Trusting The Universe.
Submitted by: Nancy eve
CanadaSingle mother of 2 teenagers. Working in a hospital lab. I have been single for over 9 years and now am ready to live!
I found out about The Secret and the law of attraction about one year ago. Ever since then, I have been practicing it. I am so grateful to the Universe.
Today I want to share a part of my journey.
I was at one point living in the past. I was being nostalgic about past relationships. There was one in particular that I had been in and out of my life for nearly 20 years and hadn’t really blossomed into anything but heartbreak for me. But I still had this relationship in my head as a “what if?” So at one point through a friend, we reconnected again, and I thought, what if I try this again?
So we texted a couple of times a week. My hopes were up again for this relationship to work. A couple of months in, he started to ignore me and decided to go and have a fling with someone else. A couple of months later he texted me so again and I said, why not? This time we meet and spent time together. But as we spent more time together, I wondered if I really want this. He is not who I thought he was. I saw him taking lots of selfies of himself with me there waiting for him. I saw him being impatient with his parents. And I think to myself, is this someone that I want to have in my life as a partner? I saw him as self-centered and did not like it. And just like that, the attraction I felt disappeared. So we parted ways and I have never heard of him since. That is part of my story. The next part is where it gets interesting with the Universe and how everything happens for a reason.
Several months after the end of my relationship, my parents both went through big health problems. And through all of that, I started to rethink my life. Who is important to me? Who was there when I needed someone? So I decided to put an end to the past and to eliminate from my life whoever and whatever does not serve me anymore. Doing this took a big load off my shoulders. It was as if a had been always slouching down. And by cleaning up my life it had uplifted me. I felt happy. I smiled and laughed a lot.
I was and am so grateful to the Universe.
I had asked the Universe to guide me to a new path and I trusted the whole process. These health problems my parents had were like a major moment for me and from there, my whole life changed. I asked the Universe for someone new in my life. I was ready for someone new and my heart was open.
One day my son told me that he wanted to go work at a certain restaurant. I asked him if he also wanted to apply elsewhere, and he says no, he really wanted to work there.
The owner called me and he met my son. My son got the job. The owner was really kind and I felt instantly drawn to him. I did not know him but I felt curious about him and about what I was feeling. I let this go telling myself it must only be me. In the days that followed the owner texted me telling me how proud I should be of my son and that I am a good mother and all. Then we started a kind of flirting with texts and I started feeling really good about it.
One morning I asked the Universe and my grandma, because I speak to her every day in heaven, for a sign. A simple sign. We hadn’t texted in about 4 days and like many people, I began to have some doubt. So I asked for a sign, a text that would show me to have faith and believe that I was on the right path.
Not even one hour later he texted me. Then he did it again one hour later and then, as if a text sign was not enough, he called me as well. I was instantly grateful and gave thanks for these signs. I had my confirmation. After this, we spoke and saw each other every time I dropped my son off to work or went to get him. Coincidence? I don’t think so? Every time I went he came out to speak to me. He is charming and kind. And he makes me smile and laugh. All this is leaving me feeling like a teenager and it feels really good.
As soon as I was ready for love, this person appeared in my life. As soon as I removed things, situations, or certain people in my life, this relationship appeared out of nowhere unexpectedly. I have prepared my home and my life for this relationship. I believe that I had to go through lessons to be able to see and receive this new person in my life.
The Universe does awesome things and has a way of making you understand and realize what is good and not good for you. It might take some time but the result feels so good. I feel great and I love myself even more. I feel like I am on top of the world.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!