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Submitted by: MEYE
Vancouver, CanadaHave recently read The Secret and seen the dvd. Am a positive, generous person who believes in LOA
There is someone special in my life that I met about 4 years ago. He was living here but has moved away. We have stayed in touch over the years by email and chatting now and again on Msn.
I feel this very strong bond to him and I know that we will be together – when the time is right.
Not long after he first left, I was feeling a little down and missing him and thinking of him,
and I was watching TV… flicking though the various channels. I switched to a local womans shopping channel (that by the way…I never watch!!). It was about local coffee houses and where one can get the best coffee at the best price… And there he was, sitting at one of the coffee houses.
Oh, my word, you could have knocked me over with a feather. I was stunned… couldn’t believe my eyes…!! Was I imagining him..??? Apparently the video had been filmed when he still lived in the city…strange how I got to see him again on the TV channel I never usually watch..!
Coincidence, that was what I thought at the time. Now I know it was the Law of Attraction at work.