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No Doubt The Secret Works
Submitted by: Manu D
SingaporeRegular 31 year old guy.
Hi, after hearing about The Secret from quite a few different people, including a couple of just got famous movie stars in India, I had been thinking of reading The Secret for a while, although I had very little idea about what it was about. As it turns out, I was at a crossroad in my career where a new job opportunity was being presented to me, a big one at a very young age, almost unthinkable at this age. And to be frank, I had a few doubts about myself, was simply looking for inspiration and with The Secret at the back of my mind for the past few months, I finally went out there and bought the book. But I still didn’t read it for a few weeks till one day when I was on a flight to another Asian city to interview for this very same new job opportunity. I started reading the book in the flight and here is what happened:
I had flown to this country many times before and the last 2-3 times that I flew to this country, I was always pulled aside by immigrations and taken to a separate room for questioning before they would let me into the country. The last time I was there I found out why this was happening and I was told that there is someone else with the same name, date of birth and looks similar but with a different passport number as me. Therefore, they always have to flag me off and do further questioning. I was told clearly by the immigrations officer that there is no way they can do anything about this and that unfortunately I will have to go through this every time I came to that country.
So, as I was reading the chapter on visualizations in The Secret while I was on the flight, I decided to “test” The Secret by visualizing myself go through immigrations without going through the interrogation room. I applied my mind to it completely and even as I stood in the immigration queue, I kept visualizing myself simply walking through. Now, logic would have told me that this was impossible cause I know I do get flagged every time. But, this time was different. The immigration officer took my passport and said it needs further review and I was thinking to myself that yes of course it does and The Secret is not working. So, just like every other time previously, I was asked to wait while my passport was sent for review. However, to my surprise this time after being asked to wait, I was NOT taken to the immigration room. Instead the immigration officer just came back after a few minutes and said no problem we are good to go. He stamped my passport and I walked out just like I had visualized myself walking out.
I was shocked, surprised, amazed, smiling and really happy. I was convinced, then and there that The Secret is indeed THE secret to life and everything that happens around us. This incident is just 5 days old and even during these 5 days there have been a few very, very unexpected but very, very good “coincidences” in my and my wife’s life that are beyond explanation. Now, I know where I am going to take my life and I have no doubt that I am going to make it happen. I am supremely confident about the job interview I gave and even though I have not got the formal result of the interview yet, I don’t really need to wait for it cause I already know I have the job. All because, I know The Secret.