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Positive Thoughts.
Submitted by: Boris Baudoin
Douala, Cameroon, Africa.I am a young Cameroonian, 33 years old. My life is full of blessings since I started following the teachings through The Secret Daily Teachings App, The Secret To Money App, The Secret Super App, The Masterclass Secret To Health, and the Masterclass Secret To Money. I share what I learn with my colleagues and my family and friends. I know that I am a genius, an infinite being and I can accomplish everything I want to have for a fulfilling life! I would like to work with your team and share my knowledge here in my country.
I am Boris Baudoin and I live in Cameroon, Africa. I am very happy to share with you this wonderful story that has happened to me.
A few months ago I got a fraud notice on my credit card. I had transactions that went through without my approval. I was very stunned when this happened to me. I contacted my bank to let them know what had just happened. They blocked my card and told me they would do an investigation to make sure that I was not the cause of this problem. They asked me a series of questions to try to indict me. For example, they tried to get me to say that I communicated my card information to some other people, which was wrong! They also said that it looked like I had made purchases on a site that was not secure. The funny thing here was that I bought “The Secret Daily Teachings” and “The Secret To Money” applications through the AppStore and I know for a fact that Apple is very secure at this level.
Faced with this situation, I told myself that there was no point in getting upset. I applied the law of attraction by reading the positive affirmations and the daily inspirations that I recite every day on these two applications. I imagined seeing myself opening my banking app one morning and finding out my lost money had been credited to me. I did not worry at all and I didn’t think about it anymore.
Four months later, when I was at work, I received a series of text messages from my bank. The messages stated the amount of the credits that had been debited to me, which was about $210. I was very happy, grateful, and very satisfied to see the law of attraction working perfectly in my life once again. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Since June I have been using the new “The Secret Super App” application and every day, nothing but pleasant and fabulous situations happen to me.
I am truly grateful to learn every day with the teachings of Rhonda Byrne. Thank you to all your team, Madame Byrne. May God bless you even more!