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Positive Thinking
Submitted by: Harmony
Jacksonville, NCOK…So my mom showed me The Secret and I thought that it was great. She is always using it in her day-to-day lifestyle, and it is working great for her. I would think a couple of times of what I really wanted and would do my best to focus on them, but somewhere in the back of my mind was always some doubt. I would try to overcome it but I would always naturally second guess myself and felt that the feeling of doubt would always naturally be there. But then I was looking through the website at some quotes and one really stuck out to me. It was saying how all thoughts come from within, therefore they are under our control. That is when I was able to push aside the doubt because I knew that I could control it.
OK… Now on to my experience. I met this guy one night and we hung out a couple of times and had a lot of fun, but then my grandma passed away and I had to leave town to attend the funeral. He also had to leave town to go home on his leave (he is military) to see his family. We talked once or twice while I was there and then I returned his call but he never returned mine. “Oh well,” I thought.
Just last night I remembered that he got back into town on the 10th and I put it out to the universe that he was going to call me that night. I had some doubt but then I remembered that quote and was able to push it aside. After work some girls went out for sushi and I joined them. Leaving the resturant at 8:15 with still no call I still kept a positive attitude and told myself that he was going to call me that night. When I got home I had a note on my door and it was from him!!! While he was on his leave he lost his phone with all of his numbers in it including mine. Needless to say I called him and he came over to watch a movie and stay the night.
This right there shows that once I was able to master my thoughts and push any negative aside, I got what I wanted. I had thought a couple of times to myself, “Oh, he is going to call me today.” But like I said, there was always doubt there, but last night I remembered that quote.