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Submitted by: MC
Kansas City, MoI am a current school administrator who loves kids!
“You will never become a teacher with those test scores.” These are the words that would stay with me forever as this was told to me by a teaching coordinator in a nationally known program. That was over 10 years ago, as I decided to take a leap and uproot my comfortable life in Kansas City, MO to explore sunny Los Angeles, California. I used the principles of The Secret to manifest my life in LA. Unfortunately, my plans to pursue teaching took an unexpected turn due to me not passing the required exams. My insecurity from failing that exam put me on a negative frequency.
Eventually, I moved back to KC and surrounded myself with the support I needed and used the principles of the law of attraction to continue my journey of teaching. Fast forward today, I continue to ask, believe, and receive. I have been a successful teacher, instructional coach, and currently an assistant principal. Today, I am wrapping up my Education Specialist degree to become a certified principal. I again used the law of attraction to proclaim passing the principal exam to become certified.
Before taking the exam, I prayed and believed I would pass the exam. I studied weeks before the exam and took my study plan seriously. I wrote a manifestation letter saying I would score well beyond the minimum passing score of 220 and earn a 240. I drafted an email to my professor indicating my passing score as if I had already passed. I also drafted my social media update as if I passed before getting my scores. I woke up each day with the feeling that I passed my exam. I made sure to not let the past suffocate my positive thoughts.
I am proud to say, I passed my exam! I earned more than the minimum score of 220 and even more of what I wrote in my manifestation letter of 240, I earned a 247! I asked, believed, and received.
The moral of my story is to never listen to someone else’s belief about your life. You have the power to stay on a positive frequency! I am so happy! Thank you for The Secret and helping people reach beyond their potential! Those words, “You will never become a teacher with those test scores…” turned out to be a blessing in disguise because it made me grind harder to prove to myself I could and would be an excellent teacher. I was destined to be in the education field and continue to have a long successful career to make a difference in the lives of children!