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Party Magnet.
Submitted by: Mar.
Buenos Aires, ArgentinaMy wishes and dreams come true every day. I'm blessed.
Thank you so very much to God. Thank you so very much to all the people out there who share their stories. Thank you so very much to Rhonda and The Secret team! I have been practicing the law of attraction since my mother told me about it when I was 12 years old, and I always get the perfect results when I take a leap of faith, of course!
This short story starts when I read a story from a girl from India who said that she repeats, “I am a magnet to money”, and she always gets money. So I started to repeat it every day and every minute that I remembered to do it. Every day since then I have been blessed with money in my hands or in my bank account!
So I said, OK, let’s try the same thing for parties, and for friends who want to party, and for boys. I really wanted to have fun but I was always repeating, “I don’t have friends who want to party with me”, so that was what I got. Then, I made a promise to myself to turn that into a positive focus so it would work the way I wanted. Today I read my personal diary and looked at the first day I wrote, “I am a magnet to fun parties, fun friends, and handsome and nice boys.” It was on the first of February. After that, I looked in my diary, and by the 8th I had written that I started hanging out with friends at bars. By the 18th I went to a party and ever since then I have been partying every weekend and some Fridays and Saturdays! So, the right friends appeared and started calling me to hang out, I have been invited to lots of parties, and I am also always free so I can go!
Thanks, God! Hahahah! It may sound stupid but this is nice proof that my wish is always my command to God and to the Universe! I hope next week I will be writing that I have manifested a date with one of those handsome boys. See you then!
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Thank you so much for reading my story! It works for everything you want it to. Just say, “I am a magnet to XXX” and then you will be. Right now I am saying that I am a magnet to the boy that I like to hang out with!
Thank you so much and blessings to everyone,