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Out Of Negativity.
Submitted by: Elisa
Italy28 year old woman trying to live with optimism.
First of all I want to thank Rhonda for her books! I read them all and they helped me a lot in the most difficult period of my life! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I’m sorry for my English but I’d like to share my story.
Four years ago my life was totally a mess! I left college to take care of my parents and grandparents, they were very ill and we didn’t have money to pay a nurse or have other kind of help. I stayed at home almost all the time, I didn’t sleep or eat well, I spent my days taking care of them and looking for good doctors. They were going from bad to worse each day.
I didn’t want to go clubbing, shopping or going to a party while my family was suffering so much. I wasn’t funny and lighthearted enough for some of my friends, so they started to ignore me. My boyfriend of three years left me. This hurt me so much.
I was depressed, I felt lonely and useless. It seemed like my life was ended because everything was going the wrong way and I gave up all my dreams. I felt and looked older than my age!
Then a friend of mine send me a copy of The Secret and I understood why everything happened. The the very, very negative attitude of my family attracted all that illness to our house and my fear of not realizing my dreams made the rest.
Complaining is almost a national sport in Italy, but we greatly exaggerate! Since my childhood I was educated to think only about the worst and to expect only the worst because we are an unlucky family and we are destined to suffer. LOA had worked for us perfectly!
I decided that this must end!
I bought The Secret, The Magic and The Power, and other books about LOA and started to read them every day and come to this site to read your stories. I started to feel a little better.
It wasn’t easy to change such a negative attitude towards life! Still I think I haven’t change it completely but now I can feel hope for the future, and this is a new kind of feeling for me! Something inside of me still says that I have to expect the worst and that I don’t deserve to fulfill my dreams. But this voice is getting weaker every day and now I can spend most of my time with a feeling of calm and confidence and think about what I want from life, not about what I don’t want.
I keep on reading and thinking about all the good things in life to control my thoughts.
And this is what I have obtained using The Secret:
– My parents are now very well even though the doctors had said that they should be dead and they can live a normal life. My parents are feeling better, they still complain all the time but I’m trying to change their way to look at life.
– I started to take care of myself and my body, and now I am fit and I can sleep and eat normally. I feel like a normal young woman, and not like an old one! People tell me that I look better and younger too!
– I met new people, and started going out. I don’t suffer anymore over my old friends and my ex-boyfriend, I feel like a new beginning is coming for me.
– I returned to college and did my exams. I obtained excellent results and next year I can go to Germany to complete my education.
But the most important thing is that I began to smile, laugh and dream like I’ve never done before in my life! It took to me a lot of time, but now I’m happy to be myself and proud of what I’ve done. I’m waiting for adventures and good things in my life, and I know that whatever will come I’m strong enough to achieve everything! If I can do it, you all can do it too!
Thank you! Wish you all the best!!!!