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Obtaining the (truly) unattainable!
Submitted by: Harriet
LondonI have known about The Secret for years, and try to use it as best I can, but I never ever imagined it would bring me something this literal!
About a year ago I fell completely in love with a a man I met. He was everything I wanted in a partner; warm-hearted, funny, gorgeous, talented, ambitious, and an exceptional talker. We had a lot of mutual friends, so we bumped into each other a lot without even meaning to, and I thought at the time that there was a spark between us. We talked and laughed like nothing else, and in many ways I knew he was my dream man.
There were several catches, however. He was married, with two children, and relatively well-known (if not a ‘celebrity’). Despite thinking that we had something, I gradually came to accept that he was probably happily married and totally out of my league. After many months I had to get used to the idea of letting him go and simply being a friend, if that’s what was meant to be.
Almost a year after we first met and I fell for him, we ended up in the same city and went out for a drink as friends. We talked for hours, and he told me that around the time we met he had actually been in the process of breaking-up with his wife, and that they were now separated. Later on, he also confessed that he had been thinking about me since we had first met, and that he felt exactly the same way about me as I did about him.
We’re now together, blissfully happy despite the obstacles that seemed to be in the way, and I have never been happier with anyone or anything in my life.
I only realised recently that I had been following The Secret since the very first time we met. Without even trying I thought about him every day, visualised the life we would have together, and what it would be like to be with him; every day for months and months and months. My sister pointed out that I had always made the effort to stay in contact with him, talk to him, take any opportunity to spend time with him, and learn to appreciate and love him as a friend. I was taking inspired action and practicing gratitude for having him in my life without even knowing at the time!
Anyway, what I have taken from this is the sure-fire certainty that The Secret works. I don’t think it would have worked if we weren’t so naturally compatible, but if it has given me my dream man, my ultimate fantasy, against these odds, then it can give anyone anything. x