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No more hives
Submitted by: Patty Mac
amherstburgI've always been a spiritual person by nature. I love the outdoors and an avid gardener. I create garden art decor for myself and what I don't have room for I sell or give away. I have two older teenage children and several pets.
Ever since I can remember I always have had “exercise induced hives.” I thought I was nuts, thinking “I’m allergic to exercise???” But when I approached my Dr. about this she gave it a name and said it’s common.. take antihistamines before you exercise..blah blah.. blah. So the going joke was always “I was allergic to exercise”. But the thing is I loved to walk but I hated the hives. After about 5-10 minutes of brisk walking they would start to appear on the lower half of my body. The itching and burning was intense. More then I could reasonably explain. So walking become taboo for me. I associated walking with pain and being uncomfortable.
Recently I decided to start my walking program up again. I would just have to take my antihistamine even though I hated the fact of putting those drugs in my body everyday just to walk, and even then they only took the edge off the hives. I still got them but not has intense. Just tolerable. The first day I took my pill .. Went for my walk. Yes I got hives but tolerable because of the medication. But it felt good to walk. The second day as I headed out for my walk I realized I hadn’t taken my meds earlier. I immediately thought “Oh Boy Here we go.. this is not going to be fun”.. But I stopped.. thought of all the things I have read in The Secret and the video as well. Decided to apply it to my situation. I told myself this walk was going to be great, that my legs were wonderful, cool, and comfortable. That they would carry me anywhere. I did not focus on hives. I will tell you that ever since that day.. I have not had even one hive. I enjoy walking everyday now. I just keep that picture in my mind about how wonderful my legs feel.. It Works..I am amazed at the results, and sooo grateful.. Now I’m applying this to alot of other things in my life..
Thank you everyone. I’ll keep you posted of any other results.. God Bless