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New Year Gift From The Universe.
Submitted by: RITIKA
INDIAA girl who firmly believes in the Universe and the law of attraction (LOA).
First I would like to thank Rhonda Mam for introducing me to the power of the Universe and the law of attraction through her amazing book, The Secret.
A week ago , I came across a social media survey conducted by the Korea Tourism Organization (KTO), in which you had to fill out a form and then they would randomly select a few winners from the received feedbacks. I saw that it was the last day to be able to fill the form out, so I thought of giving it a try. Many of my friends had tried filling out these forms a couple of times before but they never won. So they told me that there is probably no chance that I would be selected among the hundreds of entries on just my first try. But I decided to fill out the form and started to imagine that I had won a kit of KTO souvenirs.
And then yesterday night I received an email from KTO. They were congratulating me as I was one of the selected winners! My friends were amazed and I thanked the Universe for this amazing New Year’s gift.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Universe.