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My Love Returned. Use The LOA Correctly!
Submitted by: Believer Of LOA
The UniverseI have been imagining submitting my story for a long time. Finally, my time has come.
I would like to say a big thank you to Rhonda Byrne, John Assaraf, and The Secret team for sharing so much knowledge on the law of attraction. My love life has improved tremendously and I hope my story will inspire you guys to practice and apply the law of attraction the right way!
My life was in a mess before I found out about The Secret. Three years ago, I quit my high paying job and moved overseas to be with my partner, hoping to find a decent job and to start a family with her. However, things didn’t go as well as expected. I was jobless for a year, in debt, and I had to rely on my partner for my daily expenses. Our relationship soon started to crumble. Not because there was no love, but I started feeling insecure about everything in my life. I checked her phone, questioned her every move, always expecting her to prove to me that she still loves me despite not being able to contribute financially in this relationship. We fought every other day and eventually my partner started to lose respect for me. She refused to get close to me or even say I love you, and the worst part was that she did not try to stop me when I told her I had the intention of moving back.
One night while I was in bed with my partner who was sound asleep, I had this sudden realization that I needed help. Feeling helpless, depressed and too broke to see a psychiatrist, I picked up my phone and started Googling “the secret to happiness.” The first few results were success stories about The Secret. I read not one, but 100 stories that night, and then I thought to myself, I think I just found the help I was asking for!
To cut the long story short, I read The Secret, The Magic and The Power within weeks, and they changed my life. I did every practice taught in The Magic and The Secret film and every aspect of my life started improving greatly. I became a more positive person and my partner and I have since stopped fighting. We did break up a few months ago, but The Magic brought us back together again.
One thing I learned about the practice is that you have to learn to let it go. Let go of your fear, and your insecurities that have been hanging on to your drowning relationship, and start loving. Yes, it was awful when my relationship ended. But if you want somebody back, then feeling angry or sad is something you must avoid at all cost. What I did was to visualize our happy times. I would feel the happiness and imagine it happening again. Feel nothing but love for this person and keep yourself occupied with activities and events that will make you happy. Most importantly, do not be desperate. Being desperate is a sign of having a lack of love, and the Universe will only bring you more sorrow and unhappy events, things that match your desperate feeling. That is not letting it go.
When things patched up between us, we became so close that we are already planning on having a kid next year. I have also since found a good paying job. I will be working towards my dream of being a business owner with the help of the law of attraction, so that I can spend more time with my loved ones.
I hope this brings you joy. Thank you, thank you, thank you!