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My life is full of music
Submitted by: Angie
South AFricaA grateful woman who knows that I hold the keys to my life
My story with The Secret, it started in 2007, when a friend of mine asked me to read the book. For the first time I was taken back by all the words in the book but I wanted to believe that everything said in the book was possible. I started with my vision board and started telling people that I will attract this and that and everyone around me started telling the that I am dreaming that all the things that I wanted would never materialize. I started to doubt myself and of course everything I wanted did not materialize. I gave up on the book and LOA.
Fast forward to 2010, my relationship with my partner was not going well so I found The Secret website, you can imagine the delight in my face when I read all these stories in here, my faith in LOA started to come back slowing, I was able to materialize a couple of things that I wanted and my relationship with my partner become better. Since that year, we wanted to have a baby so badly but we could not get pregnant.
Fast forward to 2012, after going through some fertility treatment and still not pregnant, I decided to come to the website again and read all the stories about women who got pregnant using the LOA. Every night, I would write in my journal that I am grateful that I am pregnant. A month passed, I was not pregnant. I started writing and visualizing holding my baby girl. The second month passed and I was not pregnant. I continued with this for the third month and I was not successful. So then I decided that I will try fertility treatment again but this time I knew that I was going to be pregnant and after a month of all the treatment, I finally got pregnant. Every day I wake up with a smile on my face and feeling grateful for everything that I have. My life has changed for the better. I am happy all the time and when things don’t go my way, I try not to let negativity consume me.
I am truly grateful for Rhonda and her team for bringing this knowledge to us. I am so grateful for everyone who post their storied here. Coming to this website always encourages me never to give up on my dreams regardless of how long it takes. I now believe in the power of visualization. I now know that I hold the keys to my future and for that I am truly gratefully
Thank you, thank you, thank you