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My life has been full of the Secret!
Submitted by: Nat
EnglandHappy and healthy - and ready to move home!
My sister has always laughed (nicely!) at me saying that I seem to convince myself of something and then it comes true….for example, becoming a teacher. I had missed the deadline for the course which would get me the qualification I needed but then I found out a better way of training – which also offered a grant! Another time was when I began meditating to calm my nerves after a particularly bad break-up with an ex. Each night I would sit quietly and focus on a single candle flame. Then I’d talk aloud, describing my ideal life – right down to the conversations I’d have with my partner-to-be. I even began parking my car so that there was room for ‘his’ in the driveway! Now? I’m getting married this year to a wonderful man who is everything I described – right down to the job and the looks 🙂
I discovered The Secret just over a year ago and realised that I had been using the law of attraction without realising. Now I’m harnessing all that energy and determination inside of me for the next phase of my life – having a child and moving to the USA to start a new chapter of my life.
May all your dreams prosper x x x