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My Income Is Constantly Increasing!
Submitted by: Jody
USAI’m a recovered alcoholic who has come from a very low place but had my life turn around. I know gratitude works.
The affirmation, “My income is constantly increasing!” was given to me during a 60 day rehabilitation program for women with substance use disorder and it was my first time seeing The Secret. I know the power of gratitude now. It has taken a while to heal, but with these seeds from The Secret, everything has changed. I now have a life transformed from suicide and despair to health and recovery, from homelessness to having an extra home, from abusive relationships to my dream partner, from being a dropout to going back to school. I love reading the inspirational stories on this site and how they have helped me so I wanted to share mine as well.
My income has indeed constantly increased since I received that affirmation and I’ve found a richness in life I didn’t know before The Secret. Thank you for giving me hope and planting those beautiful seeds in me!