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My first condo
Submitted by: Edward Scott
Montreal, QcI am Canadian and living in one of most interesting and inspiring cities; Montreal. I work as a manager in sales support for applications used in tracking deals. I am fortunate to speak and write French and to live here.
I have been living in a two bedroom apartment since the day I moved to Montreal; 14 years ago. I have always been grateful to live here because I live in the heart of the city surrounded by wonderful neighbors and the rent is not expensive. Unfortunately, my landlord passed away and her family wanted to sell this old Victorian house. The problem for them is that it would be hard to sell this house with a tenant who is paying a very low rent. My landlord’s son offered to pay my move as well as other expenses, so in March I decided to look for another apartment, however, I have a dog and it is difficult to find owners who’d accept a dog. After searching and visiting the one’s that did accept my pet I applied at one place. Once the credit was approved the accountant called me and to my surprise was rude and wanted the lease signed right away. A little voice inside of me said – do not sign and stop looking for an apartment. Become an owner.
I then looked at the ads for condos and those I had visited either had a parking lot for a rear view or it was situated on the ground or second floor or it would end up costing more in repairs or …. there were many things. I decided to get clear on what I wanted and then release it as my request.
The first condo where I made an offer because the price was good (my agent and I asked the owner’s agent 4 times about the price, still he claimed it was correct), it was on the top floor and it was brand new. The rear view was not really to my liking nor the area but in years there will be many new condo buildings here and my agent told me it is a fast rising district. Anyway, the offer was made and my agent asked when would I like to move in, I told him in July so he chose July 25th. A response would come back to us within 72 hours.
The day I received the news from agent I had a doctor’s appointment in the afternoon. The offer did not pass because the owner’s agent did not give the correct price and the new price in my opinion was too high for what was offered, so I went to my stomach specialist and after the consultation told me he would perform a endoscopy at the hospital on July 25th. This was strange because if all worked out with the condo that would have been the day I moved.
Following this, I was surfing through the local Internet sites and came across a new condo project. The location looked good, the designs were appealing so I called my agent and asked him to arrange a visit with their agents. We went to the site and the Engineer showed us most of the units. Most are sold so I asked show me the ones which are still available. He took us to one of the building and said “all 4 units on this side are available” so we looked at the 2nd floor first. I was pleased but not jumping for joy. The Engineer asked me if I wanted to see the top floor (3rd floor) I replied no, still he insisted so I agreed. Once in the 3rd floor unit I went to see the view from the rear where the bedrooms are located. I was in awe, the most beautiful sights I have seen from a bedroom view. I asked him what they were planning in the space directly below the units; he replied a small courtyard with grass which is accessible to the owners, the parking lot is at the side of the building. I asked what features came with the unit and he listed them and all including 2 washrooms was what I really wanted. I asked how much for the condo and the price was right in my price range.
I purchased it, and when I signed the preliminary contract and chose my finishings a feeling of utter job was released within me and that feeling is so tremendous that it brought other good things to me. Every weekend I go to my condo (I will move in on September 5th), I walk through the rooms and have taken pictures of every detail. When the floor was put in that feeling returned even stronger than the first time I felt it and things have been well. I can hardly wait till the key is handed to me, I already see it so it is there. I have The Secret – book & DVD to thank for making me aware of the power I have always had and how to use it.