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My Biggest Dream.
Submitted by: Boobi
IndiaA positive and happy girl.
Hey everyone! I hope you all are happy and enjoying your perfect life. The Secret has changed my life. I am feeling awesome now. By just changing my way of thinking I can change my whole world. So let me share my little story with all of you.
I was very upset when I didn’t get selected for the college I wanted. Suddenly, the beautiful teachings of The Secret came into my mind. Feel good, be happy, good is coming to you.
After this college rejection, I took a competitive exam that was necessary for getting admission into colleges and I started feeling good.
Let me tell you all one more secret. I have a ‘magic coin’. Whenever I want something, I just hold my magic coin in my hand and make my demand. I did the same here. I just held the coin in my hand and made my demand. Every morning I thanked God for all my blessings and this changed my whole life.
I got selected into a college that I actually wanted to go to in the first place, and where my parents wanted to see me go! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I know my future is very bright. Only good is coming to me.
I am feeling so good today and this is the best month of my life! I have attracted so many other things also, like my perfect skin, my perfect hair, and my perfect weight. I am feeling so confident now.
Thank you, God, thank you so much! Thank you to Rhonda ma’am. I am the creator of my life!