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Miracles Can Happen At Any Time.
Submitted by: Sumes
India,BangaloreHi! I am Suma Khan. My names means Sky and the Sky has no limits. I am from India working as a software professional. I am independent and strong, and so grateful for my life. Being a muslim girl, I never give up on anything.
Miracles can happen at any time, just trust the process.
Hi Everyone,
Thank you so very much to Rhonda Byrne and her team, you guys are doing amazing work. I had decided that if my wish came true then I would post my story here so that I could also motivate others, and finally, the day has come!
Now back in 2017, one of my friends suggested to me that I read this book called The Secret. I was applying the law of attraction as well as helping and motivating others. In the beginning, it was really good but slowly due to my negativity, I became completely lost and stopped applying the law of attraction. I had lost faith. This had a poor effect on my personal life and I was also not getting any proposals. I was not satisfied with my life. I had changed jobs 3 times in a short period of time as I was not happy. Then in January of 2020, I decided to change my job again because I was not happy with the work I was doing there. My office colleagues were not supporting me and they were always making fun of me. Every day I used to cry a lot. So I started searching for a new job.
Then in March of 2020, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, we all got the work from home option. Due to my insecurity and negative thoughts, I lost my job. By May 2020, I was completely devasted and went into a deep depression. My friends were all working and employed while I was sitting at home. No one was there to help me except my parents.
Then one day on YouTube, I was watching something and suddenly some things popped up related to videos about the law of attraction. I watched them and they were inspiring me a lot. In June, I started searching for a job and applied to all the job portals. I also watched The Secret again and again.
The job market was down so I was not getting any interview calls and if I applied I thought they would not select me. I was not able to understand what I should do to get a job. I am a postgraduate in Mtech and my faith was shriveling. I prayed a lot and was doing meditation but nothing seemed to be working. However, I did keep my trust in Allah. I felt like something good going to happen but I did not know when.
Then in October 2020, I downloaded The Magic Check and I randomly wrote on the check an amount of 8.5 lakh. I put my name on it, so it was going to be paid to me, and it would come from The Bank Of The Universe. Every morning I used to see that check. On a piece of paper, I wrote what kind of job I wanted, and how the office environment would be. I kept that piece of paper in my wallet. Five times a day I would give thanks to Allah and I always would feel grateful knowing that one day I would get a good job. I started seeing the number 777 everywhere which was a sign that meant that I was going in the right direction and I knew I would see success. Then I started giving interviews but nothing was working yet.
Then one day before an interview, I thanked the Universe and the person doing my interview in advance. The person doing my interview was very impressed with my skills. I went through 5 rounds of interviews and for every round I said thank you in advance.
And you know what?! Magic happened on the 31st of January! They declared the result of the interviews and I was selected for the job! On February 2nd I got the offer letter with the amount of 8.2 lakh for my pay! That was very close to the amount that I had written on The Magic Check! I was shocked.
Finally, I had gotten a good job and I was and still am so happy! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
This story is dedicated to everyone who is struggling in their life. I hope I can help to motivate or inspire someone. Please do not lose hope. Trust in God and the Universe. For me, it took a year to overcome my depression and get a good job. But I had never stopped trying. Remember that you can be a huge inspiration for yourself. Always believe in yourself, in God, and the Universe.