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Manifested My Perfect Phone!
Submitted by: believer
Mumbai, India24 years old.
I want to thank Rhonda Byrne and all those who have been sharing their experiences here.
I had read The Secret when I was 14 years old and had used it as and when I needed it. I have been going through a through a hard time lately and everything seemed to be going wrong. Finally when things went totally out of hand, from my phone breaking down to me ruining my clients work, I decided I had to start using The Secret and being grateful again.
So I started small. I had wanted to buy a phone for the past 3 months but did not have the money to do it. When my phone stopped working completely, my father decided to sponsor it for me. The budget my father had given me was in no way enough for me to buy the type of phone that I wanted. I was disheartened and decided to settle for a cheaper phone. But then I thought that I should use The Secret.
So before going to sleep at night I imagined myself using the phone I wanted and holding it in my hand. After that I totally let go of how my phone would manifest. I did this for two days. Then on the third day, my father, while talking to me about something else, suddenly said that I could buy any phone that I wanted to buy. It was so amazing and I was so happy! I have ordered my phone and it is coming tomorrow! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
It is very important that we trust the Universe and stop thinking about the how. Now I have hope that everything is always going to work out for me. I hope to share more stories with you guys in the future.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!