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Manifested My Man!!
Submitted by: Kanika.M
Brisbane, AustraliaI am a 21 year old girl, just graduated from University and looking for a job.
I came across The Secret and practiced it for about a year. I began with writing down what I wanted to manifest in a journal and I started to make a list of things that I was grateful for every day without fail. I instantly started feeling positive and lost all my anxiety which helped me to become more confident and loving. I realised that I need to start living like I already have my manifestations. The technique that I applied was living ‘as if’ the manifestation is already here. That changed my lifestyle and many guys started contacting me and asking me on dates.
Then one day randomly my friend introduced me to one of her guy friends and he is everything I wanted in a man. Also he treats me like princess and loves me for who I am.
So it all comes down to gratitude and believing that your wish can come true!! Trust me, The Secret is like magic and it will work for every single one of you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you so much Rhonda Byrne!!! I honestly love the person I have become and the things I have attracted in my life ever since.