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Lottery Win, Job, The Power
Submitted by: Sonya S.
Portmore, JamaicaI am a 22 yr old successful entrepreneur and a law student of the University of the West Indies. I love life and everything and everyone in my life. My passion is fashion, music and law and order. I look forward to speaking things into being as each day passes
I feel great that I am typing this message now and able to share my story with millions of people worldwide. I feel nothing but love and extend this frequency to those who read my story. I also want to thank everyone who shared a story that I read, you have truly inspired me and for that I will be forever grateful.
Okay so it all started when I watched The Secret last year October thanks to my loving boyfriend. It was truly inspiring and I remember writing four folder pages of all the things I wanted to do in life as well as to acquire.
As time progressed I realized I started to think negatively again, as I started to limit what I had written on those four pages. This continued until December 2010 until I said to myself, “I need to watch The Secret again, makes notes and truly try to be positive as negativity isn’t working for me thus far”. I had played that role far too long now.
So I did. I remember talking to a friend about having to take a year off from law school due to my finances and wanting to find a way to make money to fuel my online business which would pay my tuition. He suggested to get a job and I thought to myself why not. So I said, “I would use The Secret to get a job”.
I remember applying for a managerial position in which I thought I had all the skills-set based on past work experiences online. I cut out the job posting from the newspaper and placed it on my room wall, only thinking positive thoughts! And I was short-listed for an interview and I was very nervous but tried my best. After the interview I started to doubt myself because I believed I was too young for a managerial position. I ended up spending Christmas in the United States and was worried that the company would call my Jamaican numbers and not get me so they would give the position to someone else. I returned to the Island in January 2011 and saw no missed calls from a number that could have been the company’s. I was sad but kept pushing myself to be positive.
A week later they called saying they would not be able to offer me a managerial post but another position, as a training administrator. I was excited and said to myself, “Imagine if I had remained100% positive! I would have gotten the Managerial post”. #thinkonthat
But the story does not end there. After receiving the job I started to become negative again for more reasons than one. I said to myself, “I needed to study the law of attraction in depth”. I ended up sharing the story of The Secret with my supervisor who then did her own research and taught me about the 12 laws of the universe including the law of attraction. I was motivated. We both supported each other and I started to listen to Abraham Hicks daily on Youtube. I realized I needed to do more and that involved seeing myself as having the things I wanted.
I remember watching a TV show on TLC-The Lottery Changed My Life about this lady in the California that had written $166,000,000 on a piece of paper and placed it under her pillow and slept on it for 6 weeks; every time she came into contact with the paper she thought about helping her family financially and 6 weeks later she won the lottery for $166,000,000!!! I was instantly revitalized! I shouted- she used the law of attraction and what I learnt from The Secret!
So I wrote a new list of the things I wanted, daily! Yes I did daily affirmations, starting with a Blackberry which I received from my first full month’s paycheck. I made voice notes of my affirmations on my blackberry and listened to it daily while I drove to work and I started to be grateful for everything I had more than ever.
I also developed a new goal of wanting to win the lotto and super lotto jackpots in my country. So I became a lottery player. I told people it was a financial investment in my future and I gladly bought my tickets. Here and there, negative thoughts came back because I was once a worrier (now I know different 🙂 ) and I didn’t win anything until I started reading The Secret stories on this website. Boy was I grateful and was inspired. I go in and read more when I need a top up *wink*.
And Guess what? I won the lottery twice! Twice! YES!!!! I did it, and now I am manifesting winning the jackpot! This was also made possible by reading a story by a lady who won the lottery over 30 times since January 2011 to date. MrsDesireWealthWinsTheLottery2011 – is the blog site that I still pay close attention to now. She also uses daily affirmations and the law of attraction and essentially everything that is said in The Secret.
But guess what else? I attracted two books I have been wanting to read: The Power by Rhonda Byrne and Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. I remember reading the introduction of The Power on The Secret’s website and thinking, wow I have to get this book, I really need and want to read it. I kept thinking of finding the time to go to a bookshop to get it as well as Napoleon Hill’s Think & Grow Rich as I saw it was a recommended book on this website. This was in April 2011. Honestly I think I forgot about it consciously but subconsciously, it was clear as day!
Last week, my mother traveled to the US to visit loved ones and I remember her calling me randomly saying: “Sonny I’m in a book store looking on some books of how to manage a business and I saw a book that I thought you would like…how about Business 101…etc”. Instantly I thought to myself, here is the opportunity to get the books I have wanted to read!! I quickly got excited stating mummy thank you so much of thinking to buy books for me but I have two in mind I really wanted to get for awhile now but didn’t get around to a bookstore. She gladly wrote the names of the books and guess what, I have the two books beside me on my bed right now :D. How easy was that? Manifesting is fun and I love it and will forever use it to get what I desire.
I also read The Science of Getting Rich available on this site and what can I say; I am bursting with knowledge of life’s ultimate secret of love. This is what I take from The Power daily: Law of attraction is the law of love. When was the last time you gave love? #thinkonthat
So now, I am a multi-millionaire, fashion mogul in Jamaica and Entrepreneur building my companies and giving love to all I come in contact with! I just wrote a job description for a personal assistant post as I will be hiring one (speaking it into being that would be: I have a personal assistant *wink* ) soon as well as created a gmail address where all resumes should be sent #pow !! I feel so good right now! 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
As Bob Marley would say ” One Love”
Thank you Rhonda! The Power really hits the nail on the head. I am loving everything and everyone more than ever now!